Monday, 13 September 2010

Success In Your Life Tip 2

Set Yourself Daily Goals
Each day choose three goals that you will achieve. Generally people will choose a combination of work and personal, obviously this is up to you, I would suggest you choose two work and one personal goal to start with.

The important thing here is to set them and then achieve them, start small and work up to bigger goals as time goes on. Small ones you could start with might be going to bed early, eating less.....(something unhealthy), eating more....(something healthy), walking for 30 minutes each day, phoning a long lost friend for a chat, the list is endless & the choice is yours.

Committing to small goals and achieveing them will make you feel you have achieved something, build your confidence and give you a sense of real satisfaction and remember when things don't quite to plan in your everyday life you will still feel great because you have achieved your goals.

Feel GREAT today because you scored a goal, its never to late in the day to start.

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